Work is beginning on a review of East Sussex County Council’s Rights of Way Access Plan. East Sussex County Council wants your views before drafting the new Rights of Way Access Plan so that it...
Community Speed Watch
All community speed watch activities are overseen and managed by the Safer Roads Partnership (SRP). They are responsible for registering and training volunteers, and designating the specific speed...
Christmas collection dates 2024
Details of the Rubbish and Recycling Collections over Christmas 2024 can be found...
Cuckmere silt removal at Alfriston
Southern Water will now have the amphibious machine delivered on Tuesday 3rd December with work planned to start on Wednesday 4th December. It should take two weeks to complete the work,...
Motorists warned to stay alert to avoid deer collisions
AS the nights draw in, motorists in East Sussex are being urged to be #DeerAware and avoid collisions with animals on rural roads. There are estimated to be more than 74,000 deer-related traffic...
Flexibus update
From 29 July the current zone boundary system has been replaced with just one big zone. Passengers will now be able to travel within a 14-mile radius of their pickup point – meaning access to...
Friday 24 May 2024 Long Man Parish Annual Assembly
Long Man Parish Council looks forward to seeing you at the Annual Parish Assembly. After a few updates on what has been going on this last year, guest speaker Rod Barker will be...
Changes to rubbish and recycling collection days
All details on local collection day changes can be found...
Wealden District Local Plan – have YOUR say!
Wealden District Council is preparing a new Local Plan. The Local Plan will be the key planning document for Wealden District. The consultation on the Draft Local Plan will run from Friday 15...
Festive fares promotion on Flexibus this December
FlexiBus fares will be £1 on Saturdays before Christmas and all week 18-22 December. Festive offer for Flexibus users | The Newsroom ( – Link to our media...